Lisa Owens
Oil Painting

I truly enjoy the process of oil painting and what unfolds on the canvas. My educational background is in graphic design and I am a self taught oil painter. The method of working with a palette knife is exciting for me. I love what happens with it

Oil Painting by Lisa Owens Oil Painting by Lisa Owens
Gallery Hours

Summer Hours:

Monday, & Tuesday Closed
Wednesday - Saturday 11:00am to 5:00pm

Please call 740.924.2656 to contact Sunbear to see when we can be available!

Classes / Workshops

We still have openings available for some of our classes , but we are filling up fast!

Gallery Info

New Location: Alexandria, OH
Sunbear Studio and Gallery
3 W. Main St.
PO Box 126
Alexandria, Ohio
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Google Places page.

Fresh Paint

Two new paintings of Meredith's to see at the Fresh Paint page.